CET6英语六级作文范文精讲99篇:042 Week-long Holidays , Good or Bad ?What’s Your Opinion ?你认为长假好还是不好?

发布时间:2015/11/17 14:01    浏览次数:2478    来源:本站

Week-long Holidays , Good or Bad ?What’s Your Opinion ?

Our National Day is coming . We shall have days of r est , presumably weeklong holidays again just like the weeklong May Day holidays . Many people welcome weeklong holidays and ar e bu sy planning wher e and how to spend the seven days ; wher eas many other people do not applaud . As to me, weeklong holidays mean a span of dullness , bor edom, melancholy and helples sness , and I think anyone who had expe rienced the holiday suf ferings in May would sha re my feelings .

I well r emember that from May Day , to be mor e exact , a few days ea rlie r than May Day , the shopping season sta rt ed . Most s hops extended their shopping hours to r espond to their ove rwhelmingly enth usiastic cu stomers . T her e were special sales with discount coupons and instant lucky dr aws and various sales promotion s in near ly every big store to lure potential custome rs into s pending more . Crowds of s hoppe rs flocked towards depa rtment stores , enjoying their high pur - chasing power .

There wer e t raffic jams almost everywhere , people waited in long queues at bus-stop s and t axi-stands , looking entir ely exhausted . Temper s flar ed when people got pu shed or if someone else cut the queue . Impatient driver s honked at each other every now and then .

The r ailway station was congested with t ravelers who rus hed to the platform like a swa rm of bees and then squeezed their way into the t rain for seats as if ther e would be no tomor -row .

In the restaur ants , tables were shared . A platoon of waiters filed out f rom the kitchen armed with va riou s containers of eatables . Orders wer e taken feverishly and then shouted across to the kitchen . Excit ement reigned everywhere as waiters r an hithe r and thither to fill the orders .

The above are just some vivid scenes that happened a few months ago . Everywhere was chaos and chaos everywhere . I am really af raid the dr ama will soon be r epeated .

True , weeklong holidays help activate economy , but what about after-holiday depression ? No doubt , people can have a lot of leisur e, b ut leis ur e does not always bring a lot of pleasure .



·Gener al comment — theme + attitude ( 1 ) + attitude
( 2) + my a ttitude ( I hate weeklong holidays .)
· Development — before holidays
during holidays
after holidays
· Conclu sion — echo the beginning par agraph



本文是一篇议论文。作者首先在第一段中摆出了对长假的两种不同的看法以及作者自己的态度。第二部分包括四小段,每段均以作者亲身经历以及耳闻目睹的事实论证作者在第一段 中的观点, 例证真实而生动。末二段为以上各段的小结, 最后一段是结论, 再次论证作者的观点, 十分有力。



busy + -ing . 忙于
meloncholy n . 寂寞
dullness n 枯燥
share one’s feelings 有同感
special sales 甩卖
discount coupons 打折卷
instant lucky draws 即时幸运抽奖
taxi-st and n . 出租车停靠站
cut the queue 插队
honk v . 按喇叭
sharea table 同桌(就餐)
chaos n . 混乱
activate economy 激活经济
depression n . 萧条

