CET6英语六级作文范文精讲99篇:068 The Decline of Small Businesses小企业的劣势

发布时间:2015/11/17 14:01    浏览次数:5353    来源:本站

The Decline of Small Businesses

During the r ecent yea rs , countles s small busines ses have closed their doors and gone bankr upt . T he corne r grocer’s , the small dress s hop , the beauty salon , all ar e victims of mar - ket competition . Most of them a re r eplaced by other small businesses that tempor arily fill the needs of the neigh bourhood but frequently end up , sharing the same fa te of dissolution . More often , the market served by small bu sinesses is taken over by la rge stores and shop s . Busines ses like the corner groce ries and the dr es s shop s have gone to big depa rtment stores and superma rkets , which not only keep adequate stor e and variety , but also provide bet ter environment and service .

Appar ently , it is increasingly difficult for small businesses to succeed in the present complex economic st ructure based , as it is , on small profit margins and t remendou s sales volume . Lack of enough fund and poor management may be the chief cause of this t ragedy . In addition , the quality of their commodities often causes suspicion of the custome rs as many small busines ses a re found to sell fake products for mor e profit , thu s ea rning themselves an evil reputa tion . As to shopping environment and convenient se rvice, they a re unmentionable. All of the above speed up their bankruptcy .

Today , with the est ablishment of mor e and more groups and big corporations , how small bu sinesses can survive in the tide of the market competitive economy has become a hot social is sue .



· Small businesses gone bankrupt
· Cause 1 — difficult to run on the basis of small profit margins and t remendous volume
· Cause 2 — s hor t of fund
· Cause 3 — evil rep utation
· Cause 4 — undesir able environment and se rvice
· How to survive is questionable



本文是一篇议论文, 涉及一社会热门话题, 文中内容贴近现实, 读来使人感到“这些事似乎都发生在我们周围”。此外, 全文文笔非常流畅, 是一篇很好的短文。



go bankr upt 破产
beauty salon 美容院
corne r grocer’s 小街杂货店
ma rket competiton 市场竞争
s har e the same fate 遭遇相同命运
be taken ove r by . . . 由⋯⋯取代
small profit ma rgins and t remendous volume 薄利多销
cau se suspicion 引起怀疑
speed up 加速
group s and big corpor ation s 集团和大公司
survive in the tide of market competitive economy 在市场竞争经济大潮中幸存
hot social iss ue 社会热点

