CET6英语六级作文范文精讲99篇:045 Advertisement on TV电视广告

发布时间:2015/11/17 14:01    浏览次数:2297    来源:本站

Advertisement on TV

A woman takes a stained clothing item to a sma rtly +dressed man who then washes the stain away with miracle was hing powde r . The immediate respon se from the woman is that this brand of washing powder is indeed superior to all other brands . Such is one of the typical comme rcial ads that a re r epeatedly shown on TV every evening . Toward s this , people hold dif ferent at titudes .

Those who maintain positive opinions believe that TV ads help to bring into pu blic view a good deal of news , mostly comme rcial , which might otherwise have remained unknown . Those who hate T V ads say that most of the ads , especially their r epetition , have reached the point of ir ritation and they are just a waste of time .

In my opinion , both views a re lop-sided . On the one hand , TV ads , in the form of a rtistic pictures , are pr esented in s uch a fant astic way and with such witty language that they not only seduce cu stomers to buy their products , but also give people enjoyment . On the othe r hand , not all ads a re tru stworthy . A cer tain number of them a re deceit ful .

To sum up , ads seek to influence our decisions and tell us what to do usually with the aim behind them being to enrich some business . To r esist this influence so as to make wise decisions , we must rely on our own judgement and ability to reason.



·Int roduction
* A typical example
* People’s different attitudes
· Two views
* Argue for TV ads
* Argue against TV ad s
· Analysis
* Both views lop-sided
* Reasons
· My view
* Our own judgment
* Our ability to reason



本文是一篇议论文。在第一段引言部分中作者仅用两个句子就勾画出了一幅逼真的电视广告, 后两句则起到承上启下的作用。第二段的两句分别写出了对电视广告的两种不同看法。第三段则是作者对这两种看法的分析。在最后一段中作者表达了自己的意见。本文的特点是全文只用了11 个句子, 按“ 一个问题— — 两种观点— — 分析— — 我的意见”这一模式完成全文。学习本文时应多注意从句的写法以及一些结构词语。



a stained clothing item 一件有污渍的衣服
miracle washing powder 神奇的洗衣粉
s uperior to . . . 优于⋯⋯
comme rcial ads 商业广告
maintain positive opinions 持赞成意见
bring . . . into pu blic view 带给大家观看
might otherwise have remained unknown 否 则人们或许不会知道
repetition n . 重复
reach the point of ir ritation 到了使人恼怒的程度
lop-sided a . 片面的
in the form of . . . 以⋯⋯形式
fantastic a . 奇异的
witty language 巧妙而诙谐的语言
tr ustwor thy a . 不值得信赖的
deceit ful a . 欺骗的

