Should Young People Always Respect and Obey Those Older Than Themselves ?
Should young people always r espect and obey those older than themselves in all circumstances ? In my opinion , respect and obedience do not necessarily go hand in hand all the time .
In my context , people who a re older than me should be my pa rents , older siblings , t eachers , relatives and others , who sta rted life ear lier than I and have seen the coming and going of generations and are ther efor e much more experienced . In view of their seniority in age and rich experiences , they do dese rve our r espect .
Responding our senior s is the basic expression of politeness , such as greeting them, helping them do anything within our capacity and seeking advice from them in making decisions in life . Such response f rom us is an expr ession of love , too . The senior s , being ass ur ed of our sincerity , will be most happy and contented .
Howeve r , whether you ng people should always obey the seniors remain s cont roversial . Before responding , I think it is helpful to ask : Is the advice or desire given morally right ? Is it encouraging me to act against my own will ? Is it given based on pr ejudices ? I am convinced tha t young people should not simply obey without thinking , because blind obedience only confirms how immature, impulsive and naive we are .
To conclude , it is necessary to respect the seniors , however , to obey them a t all times is questionable . As goes the saying“ Think before you act , ”I am sure that every matur e youth will discern what is right and what is wrong before r esponding wisely .
· Paragraph l — Int roduction
* My an swe r to the question
· Paragraph s 2 , 3 — My a rgue l
* Respect — Yes
· Paragraph 4 — My argue 2
* Obey — Questionable
· Paragraph 5 — Conclusion
* Echo Paragraph 1
本文是一篇典型的议论文, 题目是一个社会热门话题。文中作者的论点是“ 尊敬长者理所应当”而“ 总要服从则另当别论”。全文的说服力很强, 行文流畅, 是一篇很好的范文。
obedience n . 服从, 驯服
go hand in hand 联合, 并进
in my cont ext 就我而言
coming and going of gener ations 几代人的变化
in view of their seniority 鉴于他们年长
dese rve v . 应得, 应受
since rity n . 衷心, 真心诚意
act against my own will 违背自己的意愿行动
prejudice n . 偏见
I am convinced that . . . 我相信⋯⋯
confirm v . 证实
imma tur e a . 不成熟
impulsive a . 冲动
naive a . 天真
discern v . 识别, 辨别