CET6英语六级作文范文精讲99篇:086 A Brief History of World Commercial Fishing世界商业捕鱼的简史

发布时间:2015/11/17 13:52    浏览次数:2482    来源:本站

A Brief History of World Commercial Fishing


Fish , I like it and I think you like it , too . But do you know that some day we will have no fish to eat ?Nowadays the world’s rapidly growing population is crying out for more and more fish , which leads to the rapid development of commer cial fishing , which r esults in lakes , rivers and ocean s being c rowded with fishing-boats , which brings about the gradual extinction of many species of fis h . This dange rous tendency can be seen in the two pictures which reveal the dr amatic changes occur ring in world commercial fishing during the past 95 years : in 1900 fishes were many and boats few, while in 1995 boats were many and fishes few .

The drawer of the pictures was , in my mind , supposed to be motivated by two purposes: to wa rn people of the danger of ove rexploiting fis h resour ces and to at tr act world’s at tention to the protection of fish species . We should thank the author whose pictures timely remind us to take counter-measures .

To protect regula r comme rcial fishing and to prevent ove r-fishing, I suggest that governments of all count ries lay down cer tain laws and , at the same time, encourage a r tificial propagation so as to exploit new r esources . Last but not the least important , those who a re engaged in fishery s hould be self-disciplined . In this way , I thin k we will have fish to eat every day .



· Paragraph 1
* Growing population — more fish — rapid development of commercial fishing — gradual extinction of species of fish
* Dangerou s t endency:
* 1990 — fishes many, boats few
* 1995 — boats many , fishes few
· Paragraph 2
* Intention of the dr awer :
* Warning people
* Prot ection of fish species
· Paragraph 3
* Suggestions :
* Lay down laws
* Encourage ar tificial propagation
* Self-discipline



本文是一篇图画作文, 其三段内容分别为解释图画, 说明寓意; 推断作者意图; 提出建议。全文共8 句, 大多为长句, 如第一段中第二句连用三个由which 引导的定语从句, 而which 代表 的是前面整个句子的意思。下文中也有多个定语从句出现。学习本文可着眼于复合句的使用。本文另一明显特点是最后一句与开头二句相呼应, 从“没有鱼吃到又有鱼吃”, 这种写作技巧能使文章生动, 读来饶有兴趣。本题曾为一考研作文题, 作者依图撰文, 可供考研学生学习。



crying out for mor e and more fish 迫 切需要越来越多的鱼
be crowded with . . . 挤满了⋯⋯
bring about 引起
species n . 物种
reveal v . 显示出
motivate v . 作为⋯⋯的动机
ove r-exploit v . 过量开发
counter-measures 相反措施, 对应措施
ove r-fish v . 过量捕鱼
artificial propaga tion 人工养殖
last but not the least impor tant 最 后但并不是最不重要的
be engaged in 从事
fishery n . 渔业
self-disciplined 自律

