CET6英语六级作文范文精讲99篇:091 A Letter of Thanks一封感谢信
发布时间:2015/11/17 13:52 浏览次数:3225 来源:本站
A Letter of Thanks
Rosedale, California
July 15 , 1999
Dear Mrs . Moore,
You may be sure that I shall always continue to enjoy the week which I have just spent in your home with Louise . You did everything pos sible to make us happy . The parties , the picnics , and the lunches wer e all so delightful and gay that I can never thank you enough for all the trouble you took for us .
Mothe r and lare already counting the day s until Louise will be here with us . Tell he r tha t I will write to her tomor -row .
Gr atefully yours ,
Mildr ed Mason
本文是一封简单的感谢信, 是一封私人信函, 信中内容包括两点: 在Moore 家度过了一周快乐的时光, 对此表示感谢; 期盼Louise 的到来。在私人信函中用词一般比较简单, 语气亦较随意。