流行口语:54.Negative Response否定性答复
2015/11/26 17:59:24 浏览次数:2136
54NegativeResponse 否定性答复
No, 不,......
A:Imustbegoingnow. 现在我得走了。B:Really?Can'tyoustayalittlelonger? 真的要走?不能多待一会儿?A:No,Ireallymustgonow.Myfamilyareexpectingmehomesoon. 不,真的该走了,家人盼着我早点儿回家。B:Beseeingyouthen!A:Seeyou! 那么再见吧!再见
I'dloveto,butI... 我很想,可是......
A:Howhaveyoubeen?B:Fine,thankyou. 近来好吗?很好。A:Andhow'severyoneinyourfamily? 家里人都怎么样?B:Verywell,thankyou.I'mmeetingmywifeanddaughterforlunchattwelve. 很好。十三点我要和妻子、孩子吃午饭,Wouldyoucaretojoinus? 想一块儿去吗?A:I'dloveto,butI'mafraidIcan't. 很想去,但是恐怕去不了,I'vealreadygotaluncheonengagement. 午餐已经有约了。
No,Idon'tbelieveI... 不,我想我没......
A:Hello,George.It'sgoodtoseeyou.HaveyoumetMr.Brown? 乔治,你好!见到你很高兴。你见过布朗先生吗?B:No,Idon'tbelieveIhave. 我想没见过。A:Mr.Brown,I'dliketointroduceGeorgeMiller. 布朗先生,我想给你介绍一下乔治.米勒。Mr.millerisabusinessassociateofourcompany. 米勒先生是我们公司的生意伙伴。C:I'mverygladtomeetyou,Mr.Miller. 见到你很高兴,米勒先生。
Oh,it'stoo... 哎呀,太......
A:Canwegotothebeachonfoot? 步行去海滩怎么样?B:Oh,it'stoofartowalkthere.Wecantakeabus. 哎呀,太远了,走着去不了,我们可以坐公共汽车。A:Isthebusstationcloseby? 车站近吗?B:Yeah,it'sablockawaydownthestreet. 近,沿街走一个街区就是。
Idon'tsuppose... 我想......不......
A:IsitFred'sfault? 是弗雷德的错吗?B:No,Idon'tsupposehe'stoblame.Themanintheothercarmadeamistake. 不,我觉得不应该怪他,另一辆车的人失误了。A:Buthe'sequallyresponsiblebecausehetriedtoovertakeyou. 但是他同样该承担责任,因为他试图超车。I'm afraid... 恐怕......
A:Write down your name here in ink. 用钢笔写上名字。 B:But I don't have a pen with me.May I use a pencil? 可是我没有钢笔,用铅笔行吗? A:I'm afraid a pencil won't do. 恐怕铅笔不行。 C:Wait a moment.I'll find you one. 等等,我来给你找一支。
But it's almost impossible to.. 可......几乎是不可能的!
A:We'll spend at most two days in Beijing. 我们在北京最多呆两天。 B:But it's almost impossible to do justice to the ancient city within two days. 两天不可能转完这座古城。 A:A week will be better but we can't afford the time. 一周倒是变好的,可是没有时间呀?
There's no need to... 没必要......
A:I'm taking the two o'clock train. 我要坐两点的火车。 B:That's one of the best trains. 那可是一列好车。 A:Could we start at twelve? 十二点出发可以吗? B:There's no need to start out that early. 没必要走那早, Let's make it one o'clock and we still leave half an hour's margin. 咱们定在一点吧,那样还可余出半个小时。
No,thank you.I prefer... 不,谢谢,我更喜欢....
A:Would you like some fruit juice? 你想来点果汁吗? B:No,thank you.I prefer tea to fruit juice. 不,谢谢,我更喜欢茶。 A:OK,and how about some cereals? 好吧,来点谷类食品怎么样? B:Cereals?That'd be fine. 谷类食品?好吧?
I'm very sorry I can't. 对不起,不行。
A:We're going to the movies.Will you join us? 我们要去看电影,你去吗? B:I'm very sorry I can't. 对不起,不行。 A:Why not? B:I have some business to attend to. 为什么?我有事要处理。