背诵为王 第 三 册 第 08 课
2015/11/26 17:46:38 浏览次数:2120
Lesson8 School Life at College Three months have passed since I entered university. I belong to the tennisclub, which is great for my health. In the club I have made a lot of friendsbut, sad to say, I don't have a girlfriend yet. I am very busy with lessons this first semester. English is a requiredsubject, so I have to get at least a pass. I had a good shot at thequestions on the English exam yesterday. I probably scored at least 80points. However busy I may be with my part-time job and other pastimes, Iattend my language classes as often as possible, because if I am absent frommore than one-third of the classes, I cannot get the credits whatever thereason may be. I spent much time preparing for Chinese, but the lesson wascancelled today! Tomorrow is the deadline for my physics paper which took me three days towrite. I hope to major in science education in the future.
shot 尝试;努力
大学校园生活 升入大学已经三个月了。我加入了网球俱乐部,这对健康大有好处。在俱乐部里,我交了很多朋友,遗憾的是,还没有交到女朋友。 第一个学期,我要忙于上课。英语是必修课,所以最起码我要通过这门课的考试,在昨天的英语考试中,发挥得还不错,最少也能得八十分。不管我多么忙于兼职工作和其他消遣,我还是尽可能多上语言课,因为如果缺课三分之一以上,不管有什么理由都不能拿到学分。我花了很长时间学习中文,不过今天这门课被取消了! 明天是提交物理课论文的最后期限,我花了三天的时间来写这篇论文。希望在将来我能够主修科学教育。