背诵为王 第 三 册 第 42 课

2015/11/26 17:46:37  浏览次数:2036
Lesson42 An Affable Man  J.S. Minion was a maintenance foreman in the Public Works department ofExcelsior City. He was a favorite of the senior officials at City Hall. Theyall praised his unfailing affability.  "I like Minion,"said the Superintendent of Works. "He has good judgment andis always pleasant and agreeable."This behavior was appropriate for Minion's position: he was not supposed tomake policy, so he had no need to disagree with his superiors.  The Superintendent of Works retired and Minion succeeded him. Minioncontinued to agree with everyone. He passed on to his foreman everysuggestion that came from above. The resulting conflicts in policy, and thecontinual changing of plans, soon demoralized the department. Complaintspoured in from the Mayor and other officials, from taxpayers and from themaintenance workers"union. The Maintenance Department regularly exceeds itsbudget, yet fails to fulfill its program of work.Minion still says "Yes" toeveryone, and carries messagesbriskly back and forth between his superiors and his subordinates. unfailing 经久不衰的,无穷尽的affability 和蔼,亲切 一个和蔼可亲的人  密尼是埃克斯塞尔市公共事业部的一个维修工长。市政厅里的高级办公人员都很喜欢他。他们都赞赏他,因为他总是和蔼可亲。  “我喜欢密尼,”公共事业部的主管说。“他有很好的判断力,总是和蔼可亲容易相处。”  这样的举止与密尼的职位很相配:他无权决策,所以他没有必要与领导的意见相左。  事业部的主管退休了,密尼接替了他的职位。密尼继续与每个人融洽相处。他向下属传达每一个领导的建议。决策上的冲突,计划的不断变更很快使部门士气受挫。市长和其他官员、纳税人和维修工人协会都怨声载道。维修部门经常超出预算,却无法完成工作目标。  密尼仍旧对每个人说着“是”,并且在上级和下属之间传递着信息。