背诵为王 第 四 册 第 55 课
2015/11/26 17:43:06 浏览次数:2137
Lesson55 Potatoes In many parts of the world, particularly in Northern Europe and NorthAmerica, people eat a lot of potatoes. Like many important foods, it wasintroduced to England from North America at the time of Queen Elizabeth. Nowadays it is such an important part of the Englishman's diet that it isdifficult to imagine how he used to manage without it. Potatoes can be cooked in many different ways. The four main methods used inEngland are boiling, baking, roasting and frying. When one boils a potato one cuts it up and cooks it in a saucepan withboiling water and a little salt. They usually take twenty minutes or half anhour to cook.Potatoes are also baked. They are put in an oven for about halfan hour. Usually they are not peeled. Baked potatoes with their skins on arecalled potatoes in their jackets. Roasting is like baking because it is usually done in an oven. The maindifference between baking and roasting is that when baking one does not usefat, but in roasting one does. For their Sunday lunch many English peopleusually have roast beef with roast potatoes. Frying is like roasting because fat or oil is used but one does not use anoven. There are two main ways of frying potatoes. One can cut them intoslices and fry them in a special shallow pan called a frying pan. The otherway is called deep frying. The slices of potatoes are put into a deep pan ormetal box full of oil. This is like boiling except that one uses oil insteadof water.
土豆 在世界的很多地方,特别是北欧和北美,人们食用大量的土豆。如同其他重要的食物一样,土豆在伊丽莎白时期从北美传入英国。如今,土豆已经成为了英国人饮食中非常重要的一部分,所以很难想象在土豆传入之前英国人是怎么生活的。 烹饪土豆的方式很多。在英国四种主要的方式是煮、烤、烧和炸。 煮土豆时,把土豆切好,放入盛有沸水的烧锅里,加入一点盐。通常要煮上20分钟或半个小时。 也可以烤土豆。把土豆放在烤箱里大约半个小时。通常烤土豆是不剥皮的。不剥皮烤出来的土豆称为带皮的土豆。 烧和烤很相似,通常也是在烤箱里完成。烧和烤的主要区别在于烤的时候不放油,而烧的时候是要用油的。很多英国人通常都拿烧牛肉和烧土豆作为星期天的午餐。 炸与烧很相似,要放油脂或者油,但是炸的时候是不用烤箱的。有两种炸土豆的方法,一种方法是把土豆切成片,放在一种称为煎锅的浅底锅里炸。另外一种方法称为深炸,把土豆片放到盛满油的深锅或金属锅里炸,这很像煮,不过用的是油而不是水。