一片通英语听力小短文第六级6-6:电子商务-购物-国际网络 (mp3)
2015/11/26 17:36:43 浏览次数:2040
Online shopping has become very convenient in recent years.Most big name companies have wed sites offering information on their products and online stores allowing shoppers to purchase them in the comfort of their homes.近年来网上购物已变得非常方便了。大多数品牌的公司都设有网站来提供他们的产品讯息以及网上商店来让顾客舒舒服服的在自己家里购物。
The first things that became wide spread online were computer equipment and accessories.It is still very prominent today,but we can find much more on the internte.Some floral shops accept orders for flowers and gifts to be sent to anywhere around the globe.Pizza is delivered by ordering on their web sites.Travelers can easily search for the cheapest airplane tickets,car rentals,and vacation packages.第一个在网络上广为贩卖的是电脑设备及其附件。这点到今天都还很突出,但我们还可以在网络上发现更多。有一些花店可以接受订单把花和礼物送住全球各地。网站上可以订披蕯送到家。旅游着能够容易地查到最便宜的飞机票,汽车出租,旅馆房间,以及假日旅游团。
Almost every type of consumer products can be ordered online.Office supplies,electronics,appliances,clothes,books,furniture,and jewelry are not everything there is.Factor in the auction sites lide eBay,every average computer user can buy and sell virtually anyghing;even automotive parts from junkyards.几乎每种消费产品都能在网上订购。办公室用品,电子产品,电器,服装,书,家具,珠宝,而且还不仅是这些。像eBay这一类的拍卖网站,几乎每一般电脑用户都能在网上买卖任何东西,甚至如废物堆积场的汽车零件。
The advantages of shopping online include cheaper prices,fast searching and comparing between manufacturers and products,and no time constraints.On the other hand,security might fail and lead to credit card frauds;Viagra ads in our email accounts become a part of life;and atrophy takes over because we are all sitting down.网上购物的好处包括较便宜的价格,对不同厂商和产品的快速搜寻与比较,并且没有时间限制。在另一方面,安全性可能会有问题并会导致信用卡的诈欺事件,威而刚的广告出现在我们的信箱里并变成生活的一部分,还有因为我们大家一直是坐着而造成身体机能的衰退。